Reciprocity in conversation is generally a struggle for individuals with ASD and during evaluations we specifically look at this skill (among many others) when determining a diagnosis. It is important to look not only at how often an individual follows up on our conversational leads, but also at the quality of the person's responses and initiations. What we find is that many individuals with ASD can carry on a seemingly natural and reciprocal conversation around their intense interests and favorite subjects and may even be asking us a question or two, but when the topic switches to something less familiar or less interesting, it quickly becomes clear how awkward and one-sided it is.
Generally we don't even notice how much we are carrying the conversation by asking question after question and probing more and more. When assessing someone's conversational and communication skills, however, it is important to hold back and pay attention to how often he/she initiates (asks us a question or gets us involved socially). How persistent is the individual in getting our attention? Does he/she make eye contact? Can you follow the train of thought? Oftentimes the person may assume that we have more information about his/her personal experience than we do and start a story about "Aunt Joan" in the middle, not realizing that we have no idea who Aunt Joan is in the first place! These are all common difficulties we see when working with individuals with HFA/Asperger's so what can we do to help develop these skills?
** Provide Conversational Topics/ Have a Time To Talk about Preferred Topics:
You may have heard of the term "Theory of Mind." This means understanding that other people have thoughts and feelings that are different from your own. This can be hard for many individuals on the spectrum. Therefore, one reason people with HFA/Asperger's may talk on and on about dinosaurs, computers, Pokemon, or whatever the favorite subject may be is because they do not realize that you may not have the same passion for that topic. Reading social cues, such as when the person is yawning or even walking away from the conversation because of boredom, may not register as disinterest to the person on the spectrum so sometimes we have to bluntly say that we would like to talk about something else.

** Use Visuals to Specify"Conversational Rules" when Practicing:

** Emphasize Directing Language Without Stressing Eye Contact:

** Use Scripts during Stressful Initiations/ Practice by Role-Playing:
Again, initiating conversation, especially around someone else's interests can be hard for many. Also initiating in group or public situations, such as asking for help at school or purchasing something at the store are skills we also need to practice. One strategy we use is to actually give the person the words by writing them out so they are available to them during a stressful situation. I can't count how many times parents have told us that their child didn't finish their test at school or the EOG because their pencil broke and rather than asking for help, they simply sat there until the testing was over. Was the child just lazy or unmotivated? NO. At that time, the initiation piece of asking for help was just too hard. It is amazing what a difference it makes to simply write out "If I need help, I can raise my hand and say I need help with ___ please."
It is never too early to start thinking about teaching independent skills. Next time you're going to the store with your child, practicing social skills in a group setting at school, or whatever it may be, think about role-playing asking the sale's clerk for help in finding a favorite video game (for example) ahead of time. Video modeling is also big now, which is a great way to make it visual-- don't forget you can always script it out and write it on a note card so our Asperger's/HFA kids, adolescents, and adults have the words during anxious times when the words may escape them. We don't always think about teaching these skills, but visuals and practice can go a long way!
- Molly
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